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Andrew J. Anderson


My interests are in how the brain represents meaning, artificial models of the representation of meaning and how the two approaches combine and can be applied

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Assistant Professor

Neurology, Biomedical Engineering, Neurosurgery

Medical College of Wisconsin


Bruera A, Tao Y, Anderson A, Cokal D, Haber J, Poesio M. 2023. Modelling brain representations of words' concreteness in context using GPT and human-ratings. Cognitive Science. 47 (12), e13388

Broderick MP, Zuk N, Anderson AJ, Lalor EC. 2022. More than Words: Neurophysiological Correlates of Semantic Dissimilarity Depend on Comprehension of the Speech Narrative. European Journal of Neuroscience. 56 (8), 5201-5214.

Wu M-H, Anderson AJ, Jacobs R, Raizada RDS. 2022. Word Analogy Relations Predicted from Addition and Subtraction of fMRI activation patterns. Neurobiology of Language. 3 (1), 1-17.

Anderson AJ, Kiela D, Binder JR, Fernandino L, Humphries CJ, Conant LL, Raizada RDS, Grimm S, Lalor EC. 2021. Deep artificial neural networks reveal a distributed cortical network encoding propositional sentence-level meaning. Journal of Neuroscience. PDF


Broderick MP, Di Liberto GM, Anderson AJ, Rofes A, Lalor EC. 2021. Dissociable electrophysiological measures of natural language processing reveal differences in speech comprehension strategy for younger and older adults. Scientific Reports. 11:4963

Anderson AJ, McDermott K, Rooks B, Heffner KL, Dodell-Feder D, Lin, FV. 2020. Decoding individual identity from brain activity elicited in imagining common experiences. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-19630-y. PDF


Anderson AJ, Binder JR, Fernandino L, Humphries CJ, Conant LL, Raizada RDS, Lin F, Lalor EC. 2019. An integrated neural decoder of linguistic and experiential meaning. Journal of Neuroscience 39 (45) 8969-8987. PDF


Broderick MP, Anderson AJ, Lalor EC. 2019. Semantic context enhances the early auditory encoding of natural speech. Journal of Neuroscience. 39 (38), 7564-7575.


Anderson AJ, Ren P, Baran TM, Zhang Z, Lin, F. 2019. Insula and putamen-centered functional connectivity networks reflect healthy agers' subjective experience of cognitive fatigue across multiple tasks. Cortex. 119, 428-440.

Anderson AJ, Lin F. 2019. How pattern information analyses of semantic brain activity elicited in language comprehension could contribute to early identification of Alzheimer’s disease. NeuroImage Clinical. PDF

Baran T, Zhang Z, Anderson AJ, McDermott, K, Lin F. 2019. Brain structural connectomes indicate shared neural circuitry involved in subjective experience of cognitive and physical fatigue. Brain Imaging and Behavior.

Ren P, Anderson AJ, McDermott K, Baran T, Lin F.  2019. Cortical-Striatal Network and Cognitive Fatigue in Old Age. Aging 11(8):2312-2326

Anderson AJ, Broderick MP, Lalor EC. 2018. Neuroscience: Great expectations at the speech-language interface. Current Biology. 28 (24), R1396-R1398

Anderson AJ, Lalor EC, Lin F, Binder JR, Fernandino L, Humphries CJ, Conant LL, Raizada RDS, Grimm S, Wang X. 2018. Multiple regions of a cortical network commonly encode the meaning of words in multiple grammatical positions of read sentences. Cerebral Cortex. doi: 10.1093/bhy110. PDF

Broderick MP, Anderson AJ, Di Liberto GM, Crosse M, Lalor EC. 2018. Electrophysiological correlates of semantic dissimilarity reflect the comprehension of natural narrative speech. Current Biology. 28, (5), p803–809.

Anderson AJ, Kiela D, Clark S, Poesio M. 2017. Visually Grounded and Textual Semantic Models Differentially Decode Brain Activity Associated with Concrete and Abstract Nouns. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics.  5, 17-30. PDF

Anderson AJ, Binder JR, Fernandino L, Humphries CJ, Conant LL, Aguilar M, Wang X,  Doko D, Raizada RDS. 2016. Predicting neural activity patterns associated with sentences using a neurobiologically motivated model of semantic representation. Cerebral Cortex. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhw240. PDF


Zinszer BD, Anderson AJ, Kang O, Wheatley T, Raizada RDS. 2016. Semantic structural alignment of neural representational spaces enables translation between English and Chinese words. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_01000. PDF


Anderson AJ, Zinszer BD, Raizada RDS. 2016. Representational similarity encoding for fMRI: pattern-based synthesis to predict brain activity using stimulus-model-similarities. NeuroImage. 128, 44-53. PDF


Anderson AJ, Bruni E, Lopopolo A, Poesio M, Baroni M. 2015. Reading visually embodied meaning from the brain: visually grounded computational models decode visual-object mental imagery induced by written text. NeuroImage. 120, 309-322. PDF


Anderson AJ,  Murphy B, Poesio M. 2014.  Discriminating taxonomic categories and domains in mental simulations of concepts of varying concreteness.  Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.(3) 658-681. PDF


Anderson AJ,  Bruni E,  Bordignon U, Poesio M, Baroni M. 2013. Of words, eyes and brains: Correlating image-based distributional semantic models with neural representations of concepts. Proceedings of EMNLP 2013 (Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing), East Stroudsburg PA: ACL. 1960-1970. (Best paper runner up). PDF


Howell P, Anderson AJ, Lowit A. 2011. Variability and Coordination Indices and their Applicability to Motor Speech Disorders. In A Lowit & RD Kent (Eds).  Assessment of motor speech disorders.  269 - 284. Plural Publishing Group.


Howell P, Anderson A, Lucero J. 2010. Motor timing and fluency. In B Maasen & PHHM van Lieshout (Eds.). Speech Motor Control: New Developments in Basic and Applied Research. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Howell P, Anderson AJ, Bartrip J, Bailey E. 2009. Comparison of acoustic and kinematic approaches to measuring utterance-level speech variability. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research. 52, 1088-1096.


Anderson A, Lowit A, Howell P. 2008. Temporal and spatial variability in speakers with Parkinson’s Disease and Friedreich’s ataxia. Journal of Medical Speech Language Pathology, 16, 173-180.


Tan S, Dale J, Anderson AJ Johnston A.  2006.  Inverse perspective mapping and optic flow: a calibration method and quantitative analysis. Image and Vision Computing, 24(2) 153-165.


Anderson AJ, Johnston A, Tan S.  2004.  How cortical magnification could benefit depth, surface slant and self-motion estimation.  Early Cognitive Vision Workshop, Skye, Scotland. 1-6.


Anderson  AJ, McOwan PW. 2003.  Motion camouflage team tactics.  Tech. report no. 393, University of Hertfordshire.


Anderson AJ, McOwan PW. 2003.  Humans deceived by predatory stealth strategy camouflaging motion.  Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B Suppl. 1 S18-S20.   (Coverage in the New Scientist, 28th June 2003, ABC Australia).


Anderson AJ, McOwan PW. 2003.  Model of a predatory stealth behaviour camouflaging motion.  Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 270, 489-495.

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